
5 Simple Steps to Reduce Your Energy Bills This Winter


When the cold weather blows into East Anglia from Scandinavia, it is only too tempting to reach for the thermostat. However, constantly switching on the central heating is going to substantially increase your energy bills. If you want to reduce your energy bills this winter, take a look at these simple steps.

1. Put on a Jumper

As simple as it sounds, adding an extra layer will keep your body warmer and could enable you to turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees. 

2. Switch Energy Provider

You may be able to save money on your energy bills by switching to a different provider. This process has been made much easier in recent years. A lot of people who have never switched could be in line for savings of hundreds of pounds a year.

3. Time Your Heating

There is no point having your heating on whilst you are asleep or out of the house. Set a timer so that your heating starts up half an hour before you need it.

4. Block Draughts

Heat escapes through keyholes and cracks under doors. These can be blocked by keyhole covers and draught excluders, so you can keep the heat you have paid for in the house.

5. Insulate your Roof

Most heat is lost through the windows and the roof. Insulating your roof will stop some of that heat escaping, saving you money on your heating bills.

To speak to one of our experts about roof insulation, call us now on 01603 418818. Alternatively, you can email any questions to