
Big Summer Project: Tile Replacement at Moorlands Academy


At RG Leverett, we don’t mind tackling the big jobs. So, when Moorlands Academy in Belton contacted us to say that they needed every single Stonewold Mark 2 tile on their roof removed and replaced during the summer holidays, we accepted the challenge. Here are the pictures of our big summer project.

A tile replacement project at Moorlands Academy - Picture 1

The old Stonewold Mark 2 tiles were looking past their best and had moss and lichen growing on them.

A tile replacement project at Moorlands Academy - Picture 2

First job on each section of roof was to remove all the old tiles. Over the summer we removed 76 tonnes of them!

A tile replacement project at Moorlands Academy - Picture 3

A modern breather membrane will help improve the building’s energy efficiency.

A tile replacement project at Moorlands Academy - Picture 4

Where necessary, we upgraded the roof’s insulation. 

A tile replacement project at Moorlands Academy - Picture 5

Drone’s eye view of the work-in-progress. Our roofers are finishing laying the new concrete roof tiles on the roof area in the bottom right hand corner of this image.

A tile replacement project at Moorlands Academy - Picture 6

Moorlands Academy is in the lovely village of Belton.

Community Hub

Moorlands Academy is a Church of England Primary School in Belton. Like so many of our local schools, it is a real asset to the community. In addition to educating the children of Belton, the school has a nursery attached. Groups for new parents and first aid courses are hosted at the school which also opens its computer centre to the local e-learning students. We hope everyone appreciates their new roof! 

If you would like to know more about our roofing services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can call us on 01603 418818 or email

View regular installation pics on our Facebook and Twitter profiles.